3 Witness Slips Needed!
ERSB | LSC Quorum | SpEd
We sent the following ACTION ALERT email on Sun, March 21, 6:45PM. Please take about 5 minutes to complete these THREE witness slips--- all as PROPONENTS. Thank you!
There's a lot happening in the IL General Assembly this week. Follow us on social media to learn of other bills we support (more witness slips!) and to get updates on bills & action: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.
How to Submit a Slip:
Fill out: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Email, and Phone
Write "self" for Firm/Business & Title & Representation
Under Position, select "PROPONENT"
Under Testimony, check "Record of Appearance"
Springfield ACTION ALERT: 3 Witness Slips
HB 2908: Chicago Elected School Board
Chicago families need an elected school board!
Slip before: Monday 2PM (House Ethics & Election Committee)
SB 652: LSC Quorum Bill
Allows LSC members to vote on new members if they don't have quorum.
Slip before: Tuesday 2PM (Senate Education Committee)
HB 2425: SpEd Inquiry Extension
Parents whose children were harmed by the CPS illegal delays or denials of special education services in the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years will have an extended due date, Sept. 30, 2022, to file a state complaint.
Slip before: Wednesday 8:30AM (House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee)
Thank you for your continued advocacy!