How to Talk About High-Quality Education

In 2013, RYH parents embarked on an ambitious research project studying what education experts say is important for schools and school systems to be successful. In 2014, we summarized our findings in a handy parent guide, A Guide to Talking About High-Quality Education: What do all kids need for strong schools? When the guide was released, we hosted a Saturday morning event where Pasi Sahlberg, author of Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland, addressed parents, teachers and community members in Chicago. Pasi’s answers to unasked questions from event.

Parents/Guardians want their children to become life-long learners, problem-solvers, self-confident individuals, and active participants in our democracy. Learn how to ask the right questions about your school and how to talk about high-quality education with our guide on "What do all kids need for strong schools?"

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