Mission, Vision, & Values
Mission Statement
Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education engages, informs, and empowers parents to protect and strengthen public education for all children in Chicago and Illinois, eliminate inequities in public schools, and work at the grassroots for the public good that is public education.
Vision Statement
We strive for a Chicago that views parents as change agents, leaders, and experts in the fight for well resourced public education for all families.
Value Statements
At Raise Your Hand, we believe that:
Public school parents are powerful change agents, experts, and leaders.
Public education is a public good. All students deserve a well-resourced public education.
Systemic inequities have historically divided Chicago. We must build collective movements that center the most disinvested communities.
Schools anchor communities. Therefore, communities must be part of the decision making process.
How we build integrity, transparency, and accountability is just as important as the outcome.