Action Alert: Let's Make Recess Happen | 8.10.11

Dear Raise Your Hand Members,

On Tuesday night, CPS CEO Jean Claude Brizard announced on Chicago Public Radio WBEZ that all elementary schools will have recess for school year 2012/2013.

" next fall, all schools - all elementary schools in the city - will have recess," Brizard stated on a WBEZ call-in program.

We are asking that you reach out to CPS CEO Jean-Claude Brizard at (773) 553-1500 or email him at and thank him for his support of this goal. Please let him know that you strongly support his efforts to bring recess back to the children of Chicago, the majority of which have not had recess for thirty years.

We have been working with our friends at Power-Pac ( who have been working to restore recess for five years with five different administrations at CPS, with promises that were not fulfilled. Let’s make sure that CPS honors their commitment to bring back recess to the children of CPS.

While one-size fit all policies don’t work for CPS, every school can find their own individualized way to make recess work for their school.  Every child deserves the right to play.

For more information on our recess campaign, go to  Thanks.


Update on Longer Day Task Force: Take Our Quick Survey Now | 9.11.11