ACTION ALERT: Legislators in session today- tell them to support SB 2054 | 6.29.16

The deadline of Thursday at midnight is fast approaching for the state to pass a stopgap budget, and a Pre-K-12 budget to allow schools to open in the fall.

CPS must receive funding from the state and city to avoid catastrophic cuts. Today, the Senate will vote on SB 2054, which will bring about $400M to CPS, $286M more in state aid and $112M for pensions. It will also add money for many other high-need school districts. Ask your Senator to support this bill using this link:

There is still much more work to do regarding school funding adequacy and equity in IL, but this is what's being voted on today and is a positive step forward.

Governor Rauner's bill calls for an increase to school funding, but no increase for CPS or many other high-need districts.

Take an action step to move things forward and call your senator today to support SB2054!


Up with funding, down with vouchers


Take Action Tuesday | 5.31.16