ACTION ALERT [5 minutes] - Public Accountability during Remote Learning

Attention current CPS parents! How is remote learning going? Take 5 minutes to do 2 quick tasks to help us build public accountability and transparency for how the district is doing during remote learning. We believe that parents and the community should be informed and involved during the pandemic, don’t you? The two tasks are:

1. Complete our short CPS Progress Report Survey

The results of this survey, which will be shared out later in the month, will give the public a sample of how parents across the district are doing and provide ways to support our students as we head towards the summer and next academic year. Search the map below to see how many parents from your school have responded.

The survey is translated into Chinese, Spanish, Urdu, Arabic, and Polish. NEW! See the map below!


2. Sign onto our CPS Stakeholder letter | Carta de Firma para Participantes de CPS

COVID-19 has magnified the inequities that have persisted for too long in CPS. In March, we began virtual meetings with members of Local School Councils (LSCs), LSC candidates, parents and school stakeholders. We agreed to draft a letter to the mayor, the Board and CPS leadership around the persisting equity gaps around technology, transparency and communication. We agreed to ask for action, feedback, and collaboration on decision-making with LSCs, parents, and stakeholders as we govern our schools during extended closures and distancing. All of Chicago’s children, particularly those most vulnerable and marginalized, deserve equal access to rigorous and quality learning. 

Can you complete these 2 brief tasks and pass this along to 10 other parents in your network? The deadline is Wednesday, May 13th. 

If you have questions or comments, please direct them to Thank you.


Map of Survey Responses

This is a map of every CPS school (including charters) and the number of responses that have been submitted for our RYH Parent Remote Learning Progress Report Survey. Zoom in on your school, or open in a new tab for full searching capability.


ACTION ALERT: Demand that CPS CEO Janice Jackson reopen all CPS meal sites


Run For Local School Council!