Stop the Cuts: Action Step for 2/3/16

CPS is planning to cut $100M from school budgets in the next month.. We'll be sending out daily action items that involve short and long-term sustainable solutions. We need both.

So, what can you do today? 

Call Your Alderman: Sign on to the TIF Surplus Resolution!

  1. Find your alderman:

  2. Find your alderman’s contact information (Click on Ward number):

  3. Check and see if your alderman has signed on to the resolution:

Your Alderman has signed on?

Call and thank them. “Thank you for signing on to the TIF Surplus Resolution. I am a parent in the ward and my child’s school cannot afford one more dollar in cuts. We hope this goes up for a vote soon.”

Your Alderman hasn’t signed on yet?

Call and ask them to sign on to the TIF Surplus Resolution. Talking points:

“I am a parent of a child(ren) in CPS who lives in the ward. I’m calling to ask Aldermen___ to support the TIF Surplus Resolution. Our schools need this money now, in addition to long-term revenue. We cannot afford extra TIF projects when our schools are being cut to the bone. Return the TIF surplus.”

  1. One last thing you can ask your Alderman to do before you hang up the phone… Ask you alderman to call your Ward’s IL State Representative and IL State Senator and ask both to support HB4560, a newly introduced bill which give all TIF surplus money to CPS.

Sun Times article about HB4560

Thank you! We will have further actions in the coming days/weeks.

List of Alderman Twitter accounts

Please tweet to your Alderman today to "Support the tif surplus resolution" and copy @ilraiseyourhand #TIFSurplusNOW


Stop the Cuts: Action Steps for 2/4/16


Action alert: Feds making decisions on important testing policies | 6.10.15