Yesenia López (District 7)

Section 1 - Basic Information & General Questions

Candidate's Name  Yesenia Lopez

District 7

Campaign link

Are you a current or recent CPS parent, grandparent, or guardian/caregiver? None

Are you a CPS graduate? Yes

Have you ever served on a Local School Council (LSC)? No

Have you ever served on a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)? Yes

Have you ever served on a Bilingual Advisory Committee (BAC)? Yes

Have you ever served on a Community Action Council (CAC)? No

Have you ever worked in a CPS school? Yes

How long have you lived in the district you are running to represent? My entire life

Describe your CPS experience. 

My experience with CPS is deeply rooted in both my journey and my professional work in education advocacy. As a product of Chicago Public Schools, I have firsthand knowledge of the strengths and challenges within the system. In my professional roles, I have worked closely with educators, students, and families to advocate for equitable educational resources, particularly in underserved communities. Collaborating with various community organizations and government offices, I have been directly involved in initiatives aimed at improving educational outcomes in our public schools, expanding access to bilingual programs, and advocating for policies that support both students and teachers.

Why are you running for the Board of Education? 

I am running for the Board of Education because I believe in the power of public education to transform lives, especially in marginalized communities. Having grown up in Pilsen and Gage Park and worked extensively in education advocacy, I understand the systemic inequities that exist and the urgent need for change. My goal is to champion policies that ensure equitable funding, enhance mental health support, and foster an inclusive learning environment for every student. I aim to bring a voice to the board that prioritizes community engagement, transparency, and a commitment to creating an educational system that serves all students, regardless of their background.

What is the most pressing challenge our district is facing? 

The most pressing challenge facing our district is the persistent inequity in resource distribution, which directly impacts student outcomes. Schools in historically underserved areas continue to lack adequate funding, mental health support, and access to quality programs, creating significant disparities in educational opportunities. Addressing this requires a comprehensive approach that includes equitable funding, robust support for diverse learners, and the involvement of families and communities in decision-making processes. To move forward, the district must prioritize closing the achievement and opportunity gaps by allocating resources in a way that ensures every student has the support they need to succeed.

Section 2 - Board Responsibilities & Commitments

How will you interact with CPS students and families in your district to ensure that the voices of the most impacted are heard and understood?

I plan to hold regular community forums and listening sessions to directly engage with CPS students and families, creating a space where they can openly share their experiences and concerns. Additionally, I will establish ongoing communication channels, such as advisory councils, to ensure continuous dialogue and input from those most impacted by our decisions. My approach centers on active engagement and building trust to inform policies that truly reflect the needs of our communities.

What specific actions will you take to address and repair the historical harms within Chicago Public Schools, and how will you ensure that students, parents, and educators are actively engaged in the healing and trust-building process?

To address historical harms, I will advocate for restorative practices within CPS that acknowledge past injustices and work toward systemic changes. This involves creating inclusive spaces for dialogue and implementing programs that directly support historically marginalized communities. By actively involving students, parents, and educators in this process, we can collaboratively build a more equitable and inclusive educational environment.

What is your understanding of the Board’s relationship with Local School Councils? How will you collaborate  with LSCs in your district?

The Board’s relationship with Local School Councils (LSCs) should be one of partnership and support, recognizing LSCs' vital role in local decision-making. I will collaborate with LSCs by ensuring they have a platform to voice their insights and concerns, regularly attending their meetings and providing resources to help them make informed decisions that align with district-wide goals.

List the Board committees you intend to join and describe any new Board committees you will propose.

I intend to join committees focused on Equity and Student Outcomes, as these areas are crucial for fostering a supportive and inclusive educational environment. One of these could be the Special Education Advisory Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee. I would consider proposing a new committee dedicated to Community and Family Engagement, ensuring that stakeholder input is systematically integrated into Board decisions, and fostering greater transparency and responsiveness.

How will you prioritize your time to ensure you give your role on the Board of Education the attention it deserves?

I will dedicate a structured portion of my schedule to Board responsibilities, including attending meetings, engaging with community stakeholders, and staying informed on key issues affecting CPS. By leveraging a team approach and delegating tasks effectively, I will ensure that my role on the Board receives the focused attention it requires while maintaining open lines of communication with students, families, and educators.

Section 3 - Budget & Facilities

What are your thoughts on the current proposed district budget for SY24-25? As a board member, where would you look to increase funding and where would you make budget cuts?

The proposed district budget requires a careful evaluation to ensure it aligns with our priority of equity. I would look to increase funding in areas that directly impact student learning, such as special education and mental health services while ensuring that neighborhood schools receive adequate support. Budget cuts, if necessary, should come from areas that least affect classroom experiences, ensuring that essential student services remain intact.

Funding for CPS is in a particularly precarious situation due to state shortages to Evidence-Based Funding (EBF), the end of pandemic funding, and more. What would you prioritize when facing these overwhelming budget realities?

In this challenging budget climate, my priority would be to protect core educational services, ensuring that classrooms remain fully supported. I would advocate for equitable resource allocation, focusing on schools in high-need areas, while also exploring alternative funding sources through partnerships and grants. It's vital to maintain programs that directly benefit students and to be strategic in making adjustments that preserve the integrity of our educational system.

What experience do you have with complicated budgets?

My experience working with state and local government entities, including roles with Governor Pritzker and Congressman García, has involved navigating budgets to ensure efficient allocation of resources and incorporating community stakeholders in that process. I have worked on budgeting for community programs, understanding the importance of balancing financial constraints with the need to deliver impactful services.

What will you do to ensure equitable and transparent funding for neighborhood schools?

I will push for a clear and transparent funding formula that allocates resources based on the unique needs of each school, prioritizing those in underserved communities. This includes advocating for regular financial reviews and public reporting, ensuring that all stakeholders have insight into how funds are being utilized to support student achievement.

Many parents have expressed an urgent need for capital improvements in their schools. What steps will you take to ensure that schools have functioning facilities, particularly bathrooms and water fountains?

I will prioritize a facilities assessment across all schools to identify and address the most critical infrastructure needs. By advocating for targeted funding and a phased plan for repairs and upgrades, we can ensure that every school offers a safe and healthy environment for students, focusing on basics like functional bathrooms and water fountains as a top priority.

Bussing challenges have a long and fraught history in CPS. The last few years have been particularly difficult for special education students, as well as those who attend magnet and selective enrollment schools. Given CPS’s recently announced plans for the coming school year, How do you plan to address the ongoing school bussing challenges and ensure that all students have reliable, safe, and equitable transportation to and from school? 

To address the bussing challenges, I would advocate for a thorough review of current transportation routes and services, prioritizing the needs of special education and marginalized students. Collaborating with labor groups and transportation experts, I aim to develop a more efficient and equitable system that provides safe, reliable transit for all students. This includes exploring innovative solutions such as expanding routes and using community feedback to ensure the system meets the diverse needs of our student population.

Section 4 - Educational Programs & Academic Success

How do you define a quality education?

A quality education is holistic, inclusive, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of all students. It should provide not only strong academic foundations but also social, emotional, and practical life skills. Quality education empowers students to think critically, engage with their communities, and be prepared for varied pathways, whether that means higher education, vocational training, or entering the workforce.

What is the role of the Board of Education in ensuring quality educational programs for all students regardless of their background, zip code, or school type?

The Board of Education's role is to set equitable policies that ensure every student has access to high-quality resources, regardless of their background or where they live. This includes providing funding, setting rigorous academic standards, and ensuring accountability measures are in place. The Board must actively work to dismantle systemic barriers, promoting an inclusive and equitable educational environment.

What are your views on the roles of neighborhood, selective enrollment, magnet, and charter schools within CPS? Please address each type of school in your answer.

Neighborhood schools should serve as the cornerstone of every community, providing quality education to all local students. Selective enrollment and magnet schools offer specialized programs that cater to diverse academic interests and needs, but they must remain accessible and equitable. Charter schools can provide alternative learning environments, but they must be held to the same accountability and quality standards as other public schools. Each type of school has a role in creating a robust and diverse educational landscape, but equity and access must guide their operations.

How should the Board approach charter oversight and accountability?

The Board should ensure charter schools adhere to the same standards of transparency, accountability, and quality as traditional public schools. This includes regular evaluations, financial audits, and a commitment to equitable admissions practices. The Board must also ensure that charters do not undermine the resources and opportunities available to neighborhood schools.

The initial recommendations of the Black Student Success Working Group were shared earlier this summer. Which of those recommendations will be most important to incorporate into the district’s strategic plan and why?

One of the most crucial recommendations to incorporate is the targeted support for Black students through culturally relevant curriculum and resources. This approach addresses both the academic and social-emotional needs of Black students, promoting a learning environment where they feel seen and valued. Implementing these recommendations will help close the achievement gap and create a more inclusive educational landscape.

How will you work to ensure special education assessments and placements are more timely and equitable? 

I will advocate for streamlined assessment processes, ensuring adequate staffing of qualified professionals to conduct timely evaluations. This includes prioritizing training for educators to recognize early signs of learning differences and implementing consistent review mechanisms to ensure equitable placements. Transparent communication with families throughout the process is key to ensuring that students receive the support they need without delay.

What should the Board board do to guarantee students are receiving all of their required IEP minutes?

The Board should establish a robust monitoring system to track the delivery of IEP services and ensure compliance across all schools. Regular audits and feedback loops involving parents, educators, and students are necessary to address gaps promptly. Additionally, providing adequate resources and support staff is essential to meet each student's IEP requirements fully.

In 2021, even before the recent influx of asylum seekers, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) put CPS on a corrective action plan because the district was out of compliance with bilingual education requirements. To date, CPS still fails to staff bilingual programs and certified bilingual teachers at all schools that need them. What steps would you advocate for the district to take to solve this problem?

I would advocate for targeted recruitment and retention initiatives to attract more certified bilingual educators, including offering incentives such as loan forgiveness, professional development opportunities, and competitive salaries. Collaborating with local universities to develop a pipeline of bilingual teachers is also crucial. Additionally, the district should prioritize allocating resources to schools with the greatest need, ensuring compliance and support for bilingual programs.

How would you advocate for the reinstatement of comprehensive art, music, and library programs to our schools? 

I would push for the inclusion of these programs in the core budget, highlighting their importance for holistic student development. By advocating for equitable funding and leveraging community partnerships, we can integrate art, music, and library services into the curriculum, ensuring that every student has access to a well-rounded education. These programs are vital for fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning.

Section 5 - School Culture

What do you believe is the role of the Board in fostering a culture of belonging for every CPS student?

The Board's role is to establish inclusive policies that promote equity, diversity, and respect within all schools. It must actively support programs and initiatives that recognize and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of students while ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. This involves setting clear expectations for a safe and welcoming environment and holding schools accountable for implementing those standards.

What are specific steps you will propose to increase in-school mental health support for our children? 

I would propose increasing the number of school counselors and mental health professionals to ensure every student has access to needed support. Implementing regular mental health training for staff and creating safe spaces where students can seek help without stigma are crucial steps. Additionally, partnerships with local mental health organizations can provide additional resources and services.

What policies do you propose to help stop bullying in CPS schools?

I advocate for a district-wide anti-bullying policy that includes preventive education, clear reporting mechanisms, and restorative practices to address conflicts. Schools should provide regular training for students, staff, and parents on recognizing and responding to bullying effectively. Creating an environment of open communication and accountability ensures that incidents are handled promptly and fairly.

What specific steps will you take to address and reduce racial bias in our schools, both in terms of pedagogy, curriculum, and disciplinary practices?

I will advocate for ongoing anti-bias training for educators and staff, along with a review and revision of the curriculum to include diverse perspectives. Additionally, revising disciplinary practices to focus on restorative justice will help address inequities in student treatment. Engaging with community stakeholders to continuously assess and address bias in schools is key to creating an inclusive learning environment.

Students who report sexual assault and violence in CPS schools often feel that their voices are not heard. What is your approach to ensuring meaningful accountability and what will you do to ensure that this type of violence stops?

I would push for the establishment of a clear and confidential reporting system for incidents of sexual assault and violence, ensuring that students feel safe coming forward. There should be transparent, standardized procedures for investigation and accountability, coupled with mandatory training for staff on handling these issues with sensitivity. Preventive education and a focus on creating a culture of respect are also vital in stopping such violence.

How do you plan to ensure that LGBT+ students are protected and supported in CPS, both in anti-discrimination policy and inclusive curricula?

I will advocate for strict enforcement of anti-discrimination policies that explicitly protect LGBT+ students and ensure their rights are upheld. This includes integrating an inclusive curriculum that represents diverse identities and experiences, promoting understanding and acceptance. Providing training for staff on LGBT+ issues is crucial to fostering a supportive school climate.

Is there anything you would change about the recently adopted Whole School Safety plan? What can the Board do to ensure its implementation?

While the Whole School Safety Plan is a step in the right direction, it’s essential to continuously evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed. The Board should ensure its implementation by setting up a robust monitoring system and actively seeking feedback from students, educators, and community members to ensure the plan meets the needs of every school.


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