RYH Newsletter 7.23.20

On Friday, CPS released their School Reopening 2020: Preliminary Framework.

WBEZ: CPS Wants In-Person And Remote Learning

WBEZ and The Chicago Reporter have a tool here to help you understand how this proposed Framework will impact your family, based on student grade and other circumstances. 

We’ve created this webpage and we include all the ways you can provide feedback to CPS in one place. Here’s what you can find: link to Framework; link to an online survey (take this now! We think this will close soon.); direct links to register for one of the 5 public, virtual meetings CPS will host next week; and more press coverage of the Framework.


CPS Board of Ed Meets

Yesterday, the CPS BOE held its monthly meeting. Some members and CPS staff were socially distanced and wearing masks while in the boardroom. Other board members, staff, and public commenters participated via their phones. You can read our two statements and find all the press coverage of the meeting here. Yes, the Framework was discussed but there are still so many questions not answered.


RYH Stands in Solidarity with Miracle Boyd

On Monday we released this statement about Friday night's protest.


ICYMI… RYH Report Released Last Week

You can find Parent Perspectives on CPS Remote Learning and Back to School here

WTTW: Chicago Parents, Teachers Concerned About Return to School Ahead of CPS Reopening Plan


#PoliceFreeSchools in the News

Yesterday at the BOE meeting, CEO Jackson said that, by the end of this week, CPS will publish a list of schools with SROs and will post upcoming SRO votes. The webpage will be: cps.edu/votesro. 

Chalkbeat Chicago: In turnaround, Chicago promises to track, publicize upcoming school police votes

Also at the BOE meeting... members from Lightfoot’s Education Transition Committee submitted a letter. In their report, the Committee recommended replacing police in schools with restorative justice, social emotional learning, and transition supports. The mayor-elect agreed to these recommendations.  

Other recent press coverage:

Chalkbeat Chicago: Six of Chicago’s Local School Councils have voted to keep police. Here’s the full list.

Chalkbeat Chicago and Block Club Chicago: Chicago tasked Local School Councils with voting on police in schools — but some aren’t following the rules


LSC News

Bi-weekly Chat with OLSCR Assistant Director Myra Winding 

TODAY, Th, July 23, 4-5PM

OLSCR will be facilitating session 2 of the bi-weekly meeting series to share LSC business and election updates. Participants must register using this form (registration expires Th, July 23, 3PM) to receive an invitation. The agenda is here. All are welcome to join these sessions.


Special Education News

Yesterday at the CPS BOE, we spoke on the issues with GoCPS high school applications and students with disabilities. You can read Mary’s statement here. Read our research report from Jan, 2019 here: High School Application and Placement for CPS Students with Disabilities.


Follow RYH on Social Media

We will not be sending an email newsletter next week. Please follow us on social media to stay up to date!

Facebook: Public Page & Closed Group | Twitter | Instagram


In Other News

Chicago Tribune: Chicago joins suit against Betsy DeVos over coronavirus relief funds, says CPS could lose $10 million to private schools

Chalkbeat Chicago: School districts in Illinois face a looming problem: how to get students to school

Chalkbeat Chicago: Union representing Illinois teachers calls for all-remote start to the fall

WBEZ: Here's How Chicago Area Schools Are Planning To Reopen.

Chalkbeat Chicago: Chicago families will have a choice to learn remotely full time. How many will choose it?

WBEZ: Chicago’s Largest Charter School Network Is Planning For A Fall Of Virtual Classes

Chalkbeat Chicago: Illinois to spend additional $108.5 million in emergency funds on digital divide, higher ed


Worth A Read

The Atlantic: Dave Grohl: Teachers Deserve a Better Plan

Esquire: Why Parents Are Lying to Their Kids About COVID-19 Realities

Chalkbeat: Teacher anxiety is on the rise. Will their unions emerge as a force in the school reopening debate?


Upcoming Events

National Day of Resistance - Demand Safe Schools

Hosted by the Demand Safe Schools Coalition: DemandSafeSchools.org | Facebook group

Mon, Aug 3

For more details on a Chicago event, please sign up at the links above and follow RYH on social media. 


Reimagining Community in the Return to School 

Hosted by Transforming School Discipline Collaborative

Tues, Aug 4, 10AM - 2PM, Virtual

Register here


RYH Newsletter 8.5.20


RYH Newsletter 7.16.20