RYH Newsletter 10.14.20

Missed our opening event? You can watch it here.

We raised over $3600 last night - can you help us reach $5000 before our trivia event Thursday night? Donate here. Check out our slide presentation for Ads, Sponsors, Host Committee, Monthly Donors, Event Team, and more! How else can you support? See below!

  • Public participation speakers at Board of Ed meetings became accustomed to patronizing responses known as? Think you know your Chicago education trivia? Join us tomorrow night, Th, Oct 15, 6:30PM - buy your ticket if you haven't already.

  • We are looking to show off a few more pieces of art for our Art Showcase this Saturday! Take a picture of your art and fill out our form! Open to adults and youth!

  • Looking for an experience that is out of this world? One of our featured items in our silent auction is a personalized tour of Dr. Hammergren’s meteorite collection! Great for a field trip for all ages! Bid on this item and other awesome auction items here- our silent auction is now live! Good luck!


Sigh… Do We Know Yet What’s Happening in Quarter 2? 

"No," is still the quick answer. Quarter 2 starts Mon, Nov 9, in CPS. Here’s the play by play of what has happened in the past week:

Please follow RYH Social Media so we can keep you posted. We share news & upcoming events daily. Search @ILRaiseYourHand: Facebook Page | Twitter | Instagram


Remote Learning Resources

Thanks to all of you who attended our Remote Learning Town Hall last Wednesday. Here are the notes from the discussion. RYH will be using what we heard to design our platform and will bring your voices to a larger group of organizations. We hope you can use these notes plus the below resources to advocate at your own school to help improve remote learning:


Local School Council (LSC) Events & News

RYH Presents LSC 301: LSC Elections Support

LSC Information Session hosted by 48th Ward Neighbors for Justice

Chalkbeat Chicago: Another election looms large in Chicago. It’s underway — with more questions than answers.


GoCPS High School Application Process

Here is the Link to the GoCPS Eligibility Criteria and Selection Procedures: 2021-2022 School Year (HS Supplemental Guide 2021-2022), where you can find both the criteria for being able to apply for and the criteria used in Acceptance/Selection of students in each of the 318 General Education and Specialty Programs and 68 Cluster Programs. RYH has had repeated discussions with CPS over the last 3 years about how this system discriminates against students with disabilities. A minor change in process is that students in cluster programs can now apply for their preferred schools online rather than paper, though placement still requires final review and approval by ODLSS for eligibility and proximity.  


RYH Special Education FREE Legal Clinic: Sat, Oct 17

Grab your 30 Minute appointment! Sat, Oct 17 | 10AM-12PM

Attorneys from Equip for Equality, Hartlieb & Horste, LLC, Legal Aid Chicago, and Loyola University School of Law Civitas ChildLaw Center will be available to speak with you about your child’s special education experience at no cost.  Spanish-speaking attorneys are available. Any questions, call Equip for Equality at 312-895-7320. Limited appointments available on a first-come, first-served basis so REGISTER ASAP online here


Hola todos! Obtenga su cita de 30 minutos en el CLÍNICA LEGAL GRATUITA DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL DE RYH -SÁBADO, 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2020, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Los abogados de Equip for Equality, Hartlieb & Horste, LLC, Legal Aid Chicago y Loyola University School of Law Civitas ChildLaw Center estarĂĄn disponibles para hablar con usted sobre la experiencia de educaciĂłn especial de su hijo sin costo alguno. HabrĂĄ abogados hispanohablantes presentes. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a Equip for Equality: 312-895-7320. Citas limitadas disponibles por orden de llegada, ÂĄasĂ­ que regĂ­strese lo antes posible en lĂ­nea.

Newish RYH webpage: RYH Special Education Parent Resources for Remote Learning and More


Worth a read 

Read or listen to these 2 articles from WBEZ together: More Than 70% Of CPS Bilingual Programs Fall ShortWho Benefits From Chicago Dual Language Expansion?

Sun-Times: Facing a shortage of educators of color, CPS looks to groom its own students for teaching jobs


In Other News

Chicago TribuneYoung people are calling out racism at elite Chicago high schools, seeking reforms in admissions, culture and curriculum: ‘A change needs to happen’

Chalkbeat Chicago: After pandemic slowed progress, Mayor Lightfoot creates group to improve Chicago's early education system

Sun-Times: Cicero school district bringing staff back to buildings while remote learning continues | El distrito escolar de Cicero pide a los maestros regresar a las escuelas aunque mantiene las clases virtuales

Coverage of the first IL State Board of Ed (ISBE) budget hearing from Chalkbeat Chicago: Illinois school budget hearings open with tales of inequities from COVID-19 There are 2 more virtual ISBE budget hearings: TODAY, Wed,  Oct. 14, 1PM & Fri, Oct. 16, 1PM. More info here.

WTTW: Community Groups Reteach History of Christopher Columbus


Upcoming Events

➡️ EQUITY OR ELSE NATIONAL VIRTUAL TOWN HALL: - Grassroots Voices for the Future of Public Education | Hosted by Journey for Justice Alliance

Th, Oct 15 | 6PM CST | Register


➡️ Monthly CPS Board of Education Meeting

Wed, Oct 28 | 10:30AM | Online registration to speak here


➡️ SAVE THE DATE! CTU Standardized Testing Webinar for Parents

Tues, Oct 27 | 6-7PM


➡️ Youth Teach-In 

SexEd Works: Learn how to influence CPS’ new comprehensive Sex Ed policy

Hosted by Healing to Action

Tues, Oct 20 | 7-8:30PM | Register


➡️ Adult Teach-In (Caregivers, Educators)

SexEd Works: Learn how to influence CPS’ new comprehensive Sex Ed policy

Hosted by Healing to Action

Tues, Oct 27 | 7-8:30PM | Register


RYH Newsletter 10.21.20


RYH Newsletter 10.7.20