RYH Newsletter 3.10.21

On Friday afternoon, CPS sent this email to parents indicating that intent to return to in person learning forms would be sent to PreK - 12 parents if their child was currently learning remotely. On Monday, parents received a text message and an email with a link to individual intent forms for each child.

Here’s what else you need to know:

  • Forms are to be completed by Fri, March 19.

  • Opt-In for High School and Academic Center Students:

    • TONIGHT! HS Town Hall: Wed, March 10 | 5-6PM | Register

    • No return date has been set and the specific learning model used in high schools remains under discussion.

    • CPS hopes students will be able to return to school buildings as early as mid-April.

    • They are asking parents to share learning preference now so CPS “can ensure necessary staffing and classroom models are in place to safely support all interested high school students.”

    • CPS says they will be engaging students in the weeks ahead.

  • Opt-In for Students in Pre-K, Elementary, and Cluster Programs:

    • Families who are currently remote will be able to opt into in person learning beginning Mon, April 19 (the first day of Q4.)

    • Families who are already in person do not need to fill out an intent form to remain in-person.

    • Elementary School Town Hall: Tues, March 16 | 5-6:30PM | Register

Note: There is more in the email that we linked above. 

WBEZ Reset: CPS Offers All Students In-Person Learning Option For Last Quarter

Sun-Times: CPS students — including high schoolers — to get last chance to opt in for in-person learning before next year


Trust Learning Care (TLC) Demands | #TLCMakesSense

During February, parents and youth have gathered to craft these demands. Please consider looking at these over before you attend the aforementioned CPS town halls.


CPS Academic Calendar for 2021-22

The CPS Board of Ed will vote on the calendar at their March 24th meeting. CPS is proposing starting school on Mon, Aug 30, instead of starting on Tues, Sept 7, which would have been the traditional CPS start of the Tuesday after Labor Day. Here’s what you need to know:

Chalkbeat Chicago: ‘Too soon to tell’ about full-time fall schooling in Chicago, but students could start before Labor Day

Sun-Times: CPS proposes going back to school in August, ditching traditional post-Labor Day start

Note: The CPS Board of Ed has this webpage, Proposed Policies or Rule Changes Open for Public Comment, and there are several proposed policies that you can comment on. 


Elected Representative School Board!

We have until the end of May to win an elected representative school board. We have upcoming actions and meetings ahead - please sign up here to take action! Questions? Email Jianan at jianan@ilraiseyourhand.org. 

Chicago Tribune: Push continues for elected school board in Chicago as mayor wavers

Special Education News: Events & Resources

  • The ODLSS FAB (Family Advisory Board) meets Th, March 11 | 6PM | Agenda

  • ¿Asistió su hijo a CPS y tuvo un IEP durante los años escolares 2016/2017 y / o 2017/2018?

¡Su hijo puede ser elegible para recibir servicios de educación especial adicionales GRATIS! CPS está tomando medidas para compensar a los estudiantes por demoras ilegales y la negación de ciertos servicios de educación especial y ha identificado a más de 10,000 estudiantes que son automáticamente elegibles para servicios adicionales gratuitos.

Es posible que haya recibido una carta de CPS sobre la programación de una llamada SSCA / UER. La información que ha recibido puede resultar confusa.

Incluso si no recibió una carta, aún puede solicitar una reunión para discutir la posibilidad de servicios gratuitos adicionales.

Hemos explicado el proceso en este video de la Presentación del 3.8.2021 en español de Equip for Equality sobre CPS y SSCA / UER.


Hoja informativa de la UER en español/UER Fact Sheet in Spanish.docx

Lista de verificación UER en español/UER Checklist in Spanish.docx

¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte! Equip For Equality Clínica de educación especial Llame para obtener información GRATUITA y ayuda sobre CPS y la investigación pública1-312-895-7231 contactus@equipforequality.org www.equipforequality.org.


LSC News: Five Educational Events

Join us and learn how elementary school and high school LSCs can use their accountability tools to ensure schools are safe havens. Feel free to share this with LSC members, parents and caregivers you believe should attend. Workshops are co-facilitated with CPS Youth Leaders.

  • LSC, CPS Parents & Caregivers Chat & Workshop: Reimagining Safety In CPS

The workshop held on Saturday with teachers, educators and staff was an awesome dialogue space. We're offering the final opportunity for teachers and school staff to join, participate and develop potential next steps to disrupting the classroom-to-prison pipeline in Chicago. Feel free to share with teachers/educators at your school. This workshop is co-facilitated with CPS Youth Leaders.

  • Teachers & Educators with CPS Youth Leaders Workshop: Reimagining What Safety Looks Like In Our Schools

  • LSCs Working Together | Monthly Q & A | Hosted by Lugenia Burns Hope Center

  • The Gathering | Core Competencies | Hosted by LSCs.4.All Coalition

Food Benefits For Families With School Aged Children

P-EBT is back. We recommend the following resources to learn more:

We have a webpage here about CPS Meal Sites. 


Pandemic Schooling This Week

Chalkbeat Chicago: In class but onscreen: Chicago’s return to school buildings brings new tradeoffs

Sun-Times: Chicago Public Schools welcomes back middle school students Monday

Chalkbeat Chicago: They’re in fourth grade and on the front lines of school reopening

Sun-Times: Student mental health struggles intensify as high schools remain closed year into pandemic

Chicago Tribune: Some CPS teachers have to take unpaid leave to wait for COVID-19 vaccine 

Chalkbeat Chicago: As Chicago schools reopen, principals look for thousands of absent students | Mientras las escuelas de Chicago reabren, los directores buscan a miles de estudiantes ausentes


ACTION ALERT: Standardized Testing

From Network for Public Education:

Some members of Congress are asking the U.S. Department of Education to change its mind about testing! Read about it here. Let's give them our support TODAY!

We need more members of Congress to get on board. We can't give up.

Call Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office at: (202) 225-4965.

Here is a suggested script.

My name is (name). I am calling to request that Speaker Pelosi ask the President and Secretary Cardona to grant waivers from annual testing. Forcing schools to administer annual tests undermines the administration's call to support our students' social-emotional and mental health in this time of crisis. We need to put children, not data, first. Thank you."

Then call your Representative and Senators. You can find their numbers here and here.

Here is a suggested script.

"My name is (name), and I am a constituent of (name). I strongly oppose the Department of Ed's recent letter that forces schools to administer annual tests this year. All of our schools' efforts must be used to support our students' social-emotional and mental health in this time of crisis.  I am requesting that (name) speak with the President and Secretary Cardona and ask them to grant waivers from the annual testing mandate. Thank you."


In Other News

WBEZ: Tutoring Study Points To Potential Answer For Reversing Pandemic Learning Loss 

Chalkbeat Chicago: Five bills that we will be watching during the March legislative session

Sun-Times: Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs Education and Workforce Equity Act into law

Sun-Times: Sun-Times Imagination Project student art contest snowman art elementary school winners, runners-up

Sun-Times: Students at Southwest Side high school push CPS to dump name of slaveholder John Hancock

WBEZ: Muerte, pérdida de empleo y aprendizaje remoto: El saldo de la pandemia en una familia de Chicago 


Upcoming Events

➡️ The Policing of People With Disabilities

Hosted by 48th Ward Neighbors for Justice & 46th Ward Neighbors Against Police Violence 

Sun, March 14 | 2PM | Facebook event page


Chicago Public Schools: Resources; Upcoming Meetings

Facilities Reopening Resources & News

As CPS facilities begin to reopen to educators and students, here are a few CPS resources:

Watch out for emails from your school(s) and following your school social media accounts. 

“Ask The Expert” Sessions Continue

  • CPS FACE YouTube Channel- Ask The Expert session videos are here.

  • From CPS’ Family & Community Engagement (FACE):

    • Th, March 11 | 4-5PM

    • The Expert: Jane Fleming, Director of Literacy

    • Topic: Advancing literacy during a pandemic

    • RSVP Here (required in order to receive the invitation)


RYH Newsletter 3.17.21


RYH Newsletter 3.3.21