RYH Newsletter 8.26.20

TODAY, Wed, Aug 26 | 10:30AM | CPS, 42 W. Madison

Hosted by #PoliceFreeSchools youth

Wear a mask. Plan to physically distance. Bring water.

Can’t make it but want to support? Consider one or more of the following:

  • Submit written comments. Go to www.cpsboe.org. Scroll down a little bit until you see "Written Comments." There's a link to a Google form for the Aug 26 meeting.

  • Watch the meeting. It is live streamed on the CPS YouTube channel.

  • Tweet. Use the hashtag #CopsOutCPS. Search this hashtag to find the youth & their action(s). You can also retweet the youth who are leading this rally & this movement.

(Much more news on #PoliceFreeSchools below.)


Speaking of the CPS Board of Ed… 

There is a “Holiday Waiver” hearing at 9:30AM. The Sun-Times covers it here: CPS proposes holding classes on Veterans Day instead of Election Day.

The monthly meeting starts at 10:30AM and the agenda is packed: FY21 Budget and Capital Plan, School Resource Officers (SROs), and Remote Learning. We will post our speakers’ statements plus press coverage here when they are available. Our live tweets are here and we recommend following today’s #ChiDocumenter for every bit of board action. (Read more about City Bureau’s Documenters here.) Both of these meetings will be live streamed on the CPS YouTube channel.


Do You Need Child Supervision Assistance During Remote Learning?

CPS sent an email to parents on Friday. You can read the full CPS email hereDirect link to the survey: Survey for Need: Supervision of Children During Remote Learning/ Encuesta: SupervisiĂłn de niĂąos durante el aprendizaje remotoIf you are interested in potential assistance, the survey is due Fri, Aug 28, at 5PM.


CTU Panel Discussion: High Stakes Testing in the Pandemic

Th, Aug 27 | 4:30-5:30PM | Register & more info here

Join teachers and parents as a panel discusses the current state of standardized testing in the midst of the pandemic. 


#PoliceFreeSchools Letter, Public Comment Infographics, and News


Local School Council (LSC) Resources & Save The Date

  • Slides- Aug 20, OLSCR Bi-weekly Chat- LSC Elections & Guidance for CPS FOIA Request

    • OLSCR = Office of Local School Council Relations | FOIA = Freedom of Information Act

    • The next OLSCR Bi-weekly Chat is Th, Sept 3, 4-5PM.

  • Chicago Connected Slides from OLSCR Bi-weekly Chat


Special Education Upcoming Zoom and Resources

We heard you. Many working parents asked for an evening RYH Special Ed Community Zoom, so Save the Date for Wed, Sept 2, at 6:00 - 7:45PM, for a special presentation from the Loyola Law School’s SUFEO project team, with a focus on Special Education Rights and Remote Learning Plans.  Register on Zoom in advance here.

LSNA + RYH + GEM Remote Learning Event Recap

On Saturday, we hosted a webinar with Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) and Grassroots Education Movement (GEM). We examined the wonderful LSNA Remote Learning Statement which was written by parent and youth leaders. You can find slides & small group discussion reports from the event here. We hope you can and will take some of these ideas back to your own school and community!


Parents! The Press Wants To Hear From You! 

WBEZ's Curious City is looking for parents, students, and educators in the Chicagoland area to share a voice memo (no more than 1 minute) expressing your thoughts, concerns, and feelings about the coming school year. You can find some prompts, instructions, and guidelines here if you'd like to participate.


RYH’s Annual Fundraiser: Volunteers Wanted

Raise Your Hand is gearing up to host our annual fundraiser, Raise a Glass, in mid-October. Instead of a traditional 1-night event, we are hosting family-friendly events over 10 days (10 days for 10 years of RYH). Raise a Glass will be from October 13th to the 23rd - save the date! We are looking for volunteers who want to donate their time leading up to the event to help us plan. We need a variety of support; from soliciting ads, sponsors and tickets to creating fun programs to designing art and media for the event. If you are interested or have any questions, please email Jianan at jianan@ilraiseyourhand.org - no amount of support is too little!


Early Childhood Advocacy Opportunity for Parents

Recruitment efforts are currently underway for the Family Advisory Committee, a newly formed, parent-led committee of the Illinois Early Learning Council. The Family Advisory Committee is a great opportunity for parents who want to give parent voice to early childhood policy development and work to increase family engagement in early learning systems across the state. They are looking for parents all across Illinois to apply to be a representative on the committee. The application is live and open until September 8th. Flyers in both English and Spanish provide more information regarding the Committee and the application process. 


A Few RYH Webpages


A Few CPS Webpages


Remote Learning Resources… if you have them, send them!

We’d like to create a webpage offering links for parents regarding remote learning- tips, guides, survival mechanisms, resources for their children, etc. If you have something you’d recommend, please send it to Jennie at jennie@ilraiseyourhand.org. Thank you!


In Other News

Chicago Tribune: Longtime Chicago Public Schools educator writes book about return to school amid COVID-19 #cpsuccess

Chicago Tribune: CPS parents paying tuition for pre-kindergarten will still be charged, even though this fall it's virtual

Chalkbeat Chicago: Un dĂ­a escolar de seis horas con mĂĄs instrucciĂłn en vivo: Chicago presenta su plan final para el otoĂąo

Chalkbeat: Virtual suspensions. Mask rules. More trauma. Why some worry a student discipline crisis is on the horizon

Chalkbeat Chicago: Test cancellations will leave a big hole in Illinois’ scorecard for schools 


Upcoming Event

➡️ Fair Tax: Learn, Share, Vote

Hosted by Illinois Families for Public Schools

Virtual Info Session + Phone Banking | Various Dates, 6-8PM 

Learn more & Register Here

Sun, Aug 30

Wed,Sept 16

Sun, Sept 27


RYH Newsletter 9.10.20


RYH Newsletter 8.19.20