Ways To Push For a Remote Learning Option
Updated 8/24/21
Join us & raise your voice at our Press Conference to Demand a Remote Learning Option. Bring signs and face masks.
Wednesday, August 25, 9:00am
Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph
If you haven’t already, sign the petition for a remote learning option for Illinois school districts. We have over 4000 parents who want a remote option
Call the Governor's Office at (312) 814-2121 Chicago or (217) 782-6830 Springfield to ask JB Pritzker for a remote option
Short Script: My name is __________ and I am a concerned parent at _____________ (school and district). I am calling in support of a local remote learning option for my child, especially with the delta variant and new info on the virus. I need a remote learning option because…
Tweet @GovPritzker and @ISBEnews on Twitter during the ISBE Board Meeting (Aust 18th 10AM-2PM) why you need a remote learning option, use #ILCOVIDisnotover and if you can, tag @ilraiseyourhand
For CPS parents:
Let us know where you stand - take our CPS Survey. Over 200 parents are considering pulling their student out without a remote learning option