CPS cuts 508 teachers 521 support staff after claiming "no cuts to classroom" | 8.25.16

Unfortunately, 345 schools lost a position this week and 148 schools lost 3 or more positions. Neighborhood high schools were hit especially hard again losing a net 8% of their budgets following three years of losing between 10-12% of their budgets. This is not only due to people leaving the city but due to the district opening so many new schools in areas of declining enrollment over the past 4 years, diluting resources greatly.

Funding is down about $600 per student

Taking away programs and courses, increasing class size and making schools more unstable is bad for individuals (students and staff at those schools) and really detrimental to the future of our city as a whole. Per pupil funding is down about $600 per student since CPS piloted the per pupil program with a group of schools four years ago.

Call your alderman to support the TIF surplus ordinance and ask them to support a charter moratorium in your ward.

Call this week to cancel Obama Prep and surplus TIF funds

Alderman Burnett: 312-432-1995
Mayor Emanuel: 312-744-3300

It is no time to be opening selective schools that cost $60M just to build while students at high schools like Foreman, Steinmetz, Kelly, Schurz are losing more than 13 positions at their schools.

Sign the petition to cancel the new selective high school »

Join us this year to advocate for better state funding. Call your state legislators to support adequate and equitable funding. Tell them about the cuts at your school.

We need to reverse this horrible trend of weakening neighborhood schools. Neighborhood schools are anchors of the community and every community deserves a strong neighborhood school with guaranteed access for students. Students should not have to test or lottery their way into a well-resourced school!

Download a list of schools that lost positions


CPS School Budgets Still A Concern- Here's an infographic to learn more! | 9.14.16


Access Living Releases Analysis of the CPS FY17 Budget | 8.24.16