Black Lives Matter

Dear RYH Family,

Black Lives Matter.

The fight for education justice starts with racial justice. We stand in solidarity with communities in Minneapolis and across the country who are calling out white supremacy and state violence. We mourn the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many more lost to systemic racism.

To our Black parents, we love you. We hear your pain and anger. We see how tired you are. There is an incalculable responsibility of being a Black parent in America. We stand with you.

RYH is committed to intentional anti-racist work. We are committed to interrogating whiteness, dismantling the school to prison pipeline, protecting our neighborhood schools, and building the power of our parents.

We are committed to growing, learning, and fighting.

~RYH Board & Staff


Statement posted to Facebook May 30, 6AM. Artwork: @shirien.creates.


RYH Statement: Friday Night’s Protest


Advocates to IL Governor, Board of Education: Marginalized Students First