RYH Serving on Mayoral Education Transition Committee | Read Our #MemoToTheMayor

RYH Communications and Outreach Director, Jennie Biggs, is serving on mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot’s Education Transition Committee. She attended the first meeting on Thursday, April 11. There are two more scheduled meetings of this Transition Committee: Wednesday, April 24, and Friday, May 3. 

RYH submitted a "Memo to the Mayor" as part of the Education Transition Committee process. You can find our Memo here. The writing of this Memo was a collaborative effort by several parents and RYHers who have been active over the years. Our intent was to reflect what RYH has been advocating for since 2010. We also tried to incorporate the many things we've learned over the years, especially while working with so many community based organizations in various coalitions. Feel free to share your thoughts or feedback with us: info@ilraiseyourhand.org

UPDATED May 9, 2019: You can find a public, shared Google Drive folder which will serve as a record of the Education Transition Committee's work here. In the folder, you can find meeting materials, survey results, feedback from committee members, education memos, and other documents referenced and used through the transition process. After the Education Transition Report is released, there will be a copy in this folder as well. All Transition Reports will be presented to Mayor-elect Lightfoot on Friday, May 17. 

UPDATED May 23, 2019: You can find the full Transition Report in English here and in Spanish here. It was published on May 17. There is an opportunity to provide feedback on the Transition Report. If you would like to do that, please contact Jennie via email (jennie@ilraiseyourhand.org.) Note: All final feedback will be included on the public, shared Google Drive folder. All feedback is due by May 31, 2019. 

UPDATED June 30, 2019: On May 31, we submitted this feedback on the final transition report.

Lightfoot's Better Together Chicago Transition Team web page describes the Memo process:

To inform discussions and create a lasting reservoir of ideas for the new administration, transition committee members prepared memos as part of the committee process. These memos reflect the perspectives that committee members are bringing to the process. 

You can find the members of all 10 Mayoral Transition Committees as well as all Memos submitted here

Here is a direct link to all the Education Memos. RYH's memo is on pages 44 and 45.

Here are a few ways YOU can participate and have your voice added to the transition process:

  1. Please complete this Lightfoot Transition Education SURVEY from the Co Chairs of the Education Transition Committee! The survey is available in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, Urdu): English | Español | Polskie | 中文 | اردو

  2. Are you involved in an organization that is hosting a public education related event within the next 2 weeks? Please send an email to us (info@ilraiseyourhand.org) and we can pass this on to the Co Chairs of the Education Transition Committee.

  3. Visit the Better Together Chicago website, scroll down to the button labeled “Submit an Idea”, click, and complete the Google form.

Who are the Co Chairs of the Committee? Read this Chalkbeat Chicago article to find out more: Lori Lightfoot names four women of color to head education transition team

Want to hear more about the first meeting of this committee? Co Chair Niketa Brar, Executive Director of Chicago United for Equity (CUE), shares more during this Facebook Live video. You can find a second Facebook Live video here where Brar encourages you to participate in the Lightfoot Transition Education Survey.

We look forward to lifting up Chicago Public School parents’ voices and working closely with organizations from across the city. We take nothing for granted and are taking feedback from parents on what approach you hope to see under a new mayor, in CPS.


RYH Statements | April 2019 CPS BOE


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