A Fair Tax to Improve Funding for Illinois Education | 11.27.13
What can you do to advocate for a fair tax and improved funding for education in Illinois?
1. Sign the petition online :http://www.abetterillinois.org
2. Ask your friends and family (registered voters) to sign the petition, which is attached to this page below for download
3. Ask your organizations to Endorse the Campaign
Talk to your pastor, rabbi, school board, LSC, PTA, parents group, sports group, civic or professional organizations, or other member-based organizations and ask them to publicly endorse the campaign for a fair income tax and improved funding for education for Illinois students.
Download and print endorsement text, which is attached to this page for easy download, or submit endorsement online
4. Ask your alderman to Endorse the Campaign (or thank him/her for previous endorsement) and/or sign up to lobby your alderman via the Raise Your Hand campaign
Download and print endorsement text or submit endorsement online (or thank you text).
5. Contact your legislators or meet with them to let them know why you think its important for them to support putting a referendum for a constitutional amendment on the November 2014 ballot. Considering Illinois' poor fiscal climate, let them know that you believe they need every tool they can get to fix the budget and that you would like an opportunity to vote on the amendment. Talk about schools or other services you are concerned are not being properly funded and your concern that continued cutting will only damage them further.
Ask your state legislators to Endorse the Campaign and to support the relevant bill (SJRCA 40 and HJRCA 33) in Springfield (or thank him/her for previous endorsement/support)
download and print endorsement text or submit endorsement online (or thank you text).
For further reading or more information:
Raise Your Hand has a fact sheet about the campaign
The League of Women Voters has a lot of information on its website: http://www.lwvil.org/grit-project.html