IL state Board of Ed threatens some districts with investigations on opt-out | 3.11.16

Even though no district or state across the country has lost money due to high opt-outs, and the majority of states have dropped the PARCC test, our state board of education has sent letters to certain districts that they will be doing an investigation and collecting “evidence” from school staff and even students, when appropriate regarding opt-outs. We don’t have any information on how real this threat is, but if you're opting your child out of the invalid PARCC test again, make sure to send a letter to your school principal saying that no one is to interview your child about opting out of the PARCC. It’s a parent’s decision.

Tribune article by Diane Rado

Here’s a sample letter that one parent sent to a group of elected officials on this matter:

Dear Congresswomen Schakowsky, Senator Biss, Senator Steans, Representative Gabel, Representative Fine, Representative Cassidy, Representative Nekritz:

The following letter from Illinois State Board of Education dated February 18, 2016 was sent to at least 100 school districts throughout the state. No government official should be speaking to people in such a tone when they are just carrying out their rights. Doesn’t ISBE and its officials have anything better or bigger to do with its time and money? I think we all know the answer is - - YES! 

I hope as our elected officials each of you will question the State Superintendent's actions and ISBE’s poor choice of how it’s chosen to direct its resources. Illinois students, educators, school districts and tax payers deserve more.  

Thank you,

Saul Lieberman

And here's a sample note you can send to your school:

Please note that __________ will opt out of any and all PARCC related tests including practice tests. Also, we refuse to allow ____ to be interviewed regarding his past opt-out activity by ISBE or CPS without a parent present. Thank you.

For more opt-out resources, go to More than a Score


CPS Stakeholders Respond to Gov Rauner's 'Crumbling Prisons' Remark | 6.7.16


CPS Parent Testimony against new SEHS | Feb 2016 CPS BOE