Strike averted; Obama Prep Canceled: Still Much More Work to Do | 10.31.16

Dear Parents,

It’s good news that a strike has been averted for now. With many community groups around the city, we’ve been calling on the mayor and aldermen to return more unused TIF funds, and, according to reports, they will declare a $175 million surplus. . This is too little to reverse most of the cuts that have been made, but there will be some funding for K-2 assistants in classes with 32 or more students. Next year, school counselors and special education staff should be able to work directly with students more regularly, rather than doing case management work..

The City has put plans to build Obama Prep on hold and those TIF funds will go back to CPS. This is a big win for all the parents from RYH and the West Humboldt Park Parent Network who worked so hard on this campaign. Our city does not need another selective high school when we can’t afford to adequately fund our existing schools. Thank you for your efforts on this.

We know a lot of parents are very concerned about special ed cuts and the lack of well-rounded offerings and supports at their children’s schools. We are, too. We know it is important to keep advocating so that children in all our schools have the well-rounded education and supports they need. We will continue to work towards an elected school board and an adequate and fair funding system for our children’s education. Join us at RYHAction to get involved.

For parents of children with IEPs, make sure to come to our special ed forum on 10/25.

There’s still a lot of work to be done, but we’re glad the CPS and the CTU worked out an agreement and that our kids are in school today. Your efforts made a difference in the Obama Prep decision and in the increase in TIF surplus; please help keep the momentum going.


RYH Comments on Draft IL ESSA Plan | 10.31.16


RYH Statement | Oct 2016 CPS BOE