Questions for CPS on student data, personalized learning, and Chan Zuckerberg

RYH has been trying to get answers about the new grant from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's LLC, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative since it was announced this past May. On October 4th, we sent Chicago Public Schools Director of Public Policy Frank Bilecki a list of questions. We don't have answers yet but you can read the questions below.

What is the scope of work of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) grant to CPS? What is the scope of work of the CZI grant to LEAP Innovations for schools within CPS?

  1. What, if any, MOU, agreements or contracts, terms of service and/or privacy policies have been signed between the Chicago Board of Education or CPS schools or networks and Summit Public Schools, CZI, and or Facebook? Please provide copies of all such agreements.

  2. The CPS website’s page on Personalized Learning lists 20 schools using Summit Learning. Please provide a list of any other CPS schools using the Summit platform this school year not listed on this page:

  3. Please provide copies of any and all consent forms issued to parents or students for research and/or surveys conducted by LEAP Innovations since 2014.

  4. Will any personally-identifiable information about CPS students, whether aggregated or not, be shared with CZI or is any such data being shared?

  5. The Summit website ( says: “students and their families can request deletion of their personal information from their schools at any time and we will honor the school's request.” Please describe whether this is CPS policy for students participating in Summit for 2018-2019 and any prior school years. If so, please provide details on how students/families can make a request for PII deletion.

  6. Please provide a copy of any agreement, contract, or MOU documenting the grant from InspirED and Panorama Education to CPS/CPS schools for measuring social-emotional learning assessment. (Grant project described here:

Update: As of December 18, 2018, we have submitted FOIA requests to CPS to get answers to these questions.


Parent Statements | ISBE Meeting | 11.16.18


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