State budget deadline is this Thursday- let’s keep pushing for fair funding for CPS and for a budget for IL families! | 6.28.16

IL families cannot wait to go another year without a state budget and CPS students will not be able to thrive without fair education funding from the state!

The deadline to pass a budget is this Thursday and Governor Rauner is still digging his heels in, saying the state shouldn’t “bail out” CPS.

Rauner Won't Agree to Budget Deal With CPS ‘Bailout'

Governor Rauner omits that CPS receives roughly $9k per student per year less than his hometown of Winnetka and educates an extremely high low-income population. CPS is the only district in the state that has to cover normal pension costs without state help! Chicago students deserve fair funding, not a bailout, and our schools have made great gains despite years of unfair funding.

RYH state-funding fact sheet

Read the National Report Card: Is School Funding Fair, in which IL consistently gets an 'F' for Fair Funding.

What can you do? We know we’ve asked you to call a lot, but keep calling this week through 6/30!
1) Call Governor Rauner - 217-782-0244 and tell him to pass a budget and fund CPS and all schools fairly. Feel free to mention that his hometown of Winnetka spends $22k per student to our $13k at CPS!
2) Call Speaker Madigan and ask that he hold firm on CPS funding and fair funding for the state: (217) 782-5350
3) Call you legislator using the Responsible Budget Coalition hotline: 844-311-CUTS (2887). Tell him or her they need to pass a budget that includes revenue before June 30th and fund CPS fairly!
4) Stop by your state rep’s office in person before Thursday and drop off a letter informing them about the impact a 25% budget cut will have on your school and your children.
5) Attend a candlelight vigil at the Thompson Center Monday 6/28. Info here.
6) Attend a rally at the Thompson Center on 6/30. Numerous organizations will be out demanding a budget with revenue from the state. Info here.
7) Join RYH for a canvass in Winnetka this week regarding education funding inequity. Email us for more info:

RYH will be working on other actions regarding city revenue in the coming weeks, as we need sustainable revenue from both the state and city to meet the $900M deficit, but the state should be the focus this week as the budget deadline approaches.


K-12 Funding Package Gives Partial Relief to CPS | 7.1.16


CPS Stakeholders Respond to Gov Rauner's 'Crumbling Prisons' Remark | 6.7.16