RYH Supports City Council Hearings on CPS Sexual Abuse | 10.27.18

Since the Chicago Tribune uncovered the rampant sexual abuse cases in CPS, the district has taken steps to address glaring deficiencies in policies and procedures found by Maggie Hickey who was hired by CPS to do a thorough review of the district’s handling of sexual misconduct in schools and make policy recommendations.

In an effort to be transparent with parents, taxpayers, and our aldermen, CPS should be welcoming a City Council hearing to share their progress, to provide greater details about the new Office of Student Protections, and to discuss a process for stakeholders to have a seat at the table to analyze how these new policies and practices are impacting students, educators, and families at the school level. They should also explain how the holdback of federal funds due to Title IX violations related to some of these abuse cases impact schools.

Despite the compelling need to hold a hearing, City Council leadership has refused to schedule one. The fact that a resolution calling for hearings has sat idly in committee since June is unacceptable. CPS and Emanuel administration officials should be going above and beyond to communicate with the public and our elected representatives about what took place and what steps they have taken to protect students and prevent future abuse. Instead, our representatives in City Council are forced to pursue parliamentary maneuvers just to get a simple hearing. Chicago owes the children who survived abuse in CPS and CPS families better. Raise Your Hand supports efforts to force a City Council hearing on the CPS sexual abuse scandal.


What are these ARA meetings? Should I go?


RYH Statement | Oct 2018 CPS BOE