Charter School Advocates' Troubling Agenda Exposed | 4.16.14

Hi RYH members- We’re sharing an email that went out from the Illinois Network of Charter Schools (INCS) to mobilize their supporters this Tuesday April 8th, at their upcoming Lobby Day in Springfield to oppose state legislation that would require charters to comply with established state laws on the standards set for educating children with special needs and children who do not speak English at home. These are laws that all other public schools follow.

We need to ensure all students in Chicago and Illinois are receiving the best services possible so that they have access to a high quality education where they can learn and thrive. INCS is asking for more dollars for charters from the state, while begging permission to not have to comply with existing laws.

Please tell your representatives that charters should not get more funds and less accountability! If you are unsure of who your representatives are please contact them here:



Illinois Charter Community:

Our Lobby Day is now two weeks away! We need your voice in Springfield -- just last week, the House passed legislation to end charter growth and inhibit charter autonomy. Now is the time to act!

We will be hosting our final , in-person organizing meeting this week on Thursday, March 27 from 10:00-11:30 at INCS, 205 West Randolph, 8th Floor Meeting Room.   

The purpose of the meeting to discuss our collective strategy to win the funding equity battle in Springfield, a strategy to counter House Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia’s attacks on the charter sector (we have some exciting plans), and defeat multiple, negative bills that have already been filed.  Please come to the meeting with the number of parents, teachers, supporters, and others who plan to join us on Lobby Day. We are finalizing bus reservations, meals, and related logistics and need to ensure we have the proper count from each school. As in previous years, INCS will cover all the costs associated with Lobby Day, transportation, food, etc. If you have questions, please reach out to Adam Rogalski,

Here you will find an updated summary of relevant bills.


If they all passed, here is a sample of what would happen:

·         The Illinois State Charter School Commission would be abolished

·         Charter schools would have to be governed by local school councils

·         Charter schools would be forced to follow district discipline polices, implement state ELL and SPED programs, and limit teacher and principal salaries

·         There would be a 10-year moratorium on charters in zip codes where schools have been closed or adjacent to where schools have been closed (this is every neighborhood in Chicago except 3). 

We need your help on behalf of the movement, so please plan to attend or send a representative. An agenda will follow before the meeting.


Andrew Broy


Illinois Network of Charter Schools



RYH Statement | CPS Board Vote to Turn 3 schools over to AUSL | 4.24.14


Budget Update | 4.11.14